
One man, a word-processor, and too much free time.

13 July, 2005

Snori Sturlson, we hardly knew thee.

One of several reasons why Sigur Ros kicks arse, which was apleasant surprise. I always have a soft-spot for bands that provide downloads on their sites, especially if the band's songs are not exactly being flogged to death on the radio. I like to imagine some bizzare Icelandic wilderness, where goatherds and sheperdesses flee the wilely influence of the elves and wights, and all across the meadows and hot-springs float the strains of Njosnavelin and Hyperballad.

It is my deepest hope that, somewhere in Iceland, there stands a mountain or precipice ever scoured by winds, overshadowed by a leaden sky and with the occasional clap of thunder, autumn leaves whipped about a sparse, grassy tundra, and in the midst of the grinding surf below a small colony of gannets has made its home in a hill of verdegrised spoons and old cake trays.

No doubt I would be sorely disappointed.
Tom Meade, 6:05 am


You will be pleasantly surprised to know that Zebediah Plush, provides downloads on their site, and their songs are not exactly being flogged to death on the radio.

Oh and I like to imagine bizarre Amazonian rainforests, where forest sprites bathe in pools of clear water and...
Blogger Jugular Bean, at 13 July, 2005 17:05  
You will be pleasantly surprised to know that Zebediah Plush, provides downloads on their site, and their songs are not exactly being flogged to death o
Anonymous Anonymous, at 13 July, 2005 17:14  
I gather this is an act of flagrant self-promotion. If so, it is very 70s, yet enjoyable.
Blogger Tom Meade, at 14 July, 2005 02:04  
70's YET enjoyable? What's that supposed to mean, huh?
Blogger Jugular Bean, at 14 July, 2005 02:42  
Exactly what it sounds like. Actually, the second track was very 80s, yet enjoyable. Good show.
Blogger Tom Meade, at 14 July, 2005 11:28  

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