
One man, a word-processor, and too much free time.

26 October, 2005

News post

A number of exciting things have happened that revolve around myself, or rather one boring thing has happened to me and a number of exciting things may happen should I ever decide to set to work upon the various paths laid-out before me.

Firstly, I did a twenty-four hour comic for no good reason, which begins here.

It involves such exciting elements as spies, gangsters, monsters, 60s retro kitsch, head in jars and IVF substitutes.

Secondly, I was in the most prominent comic-shop in Melbourne two days ago and perused the Austrlian comics shelf. Whilst I ended-up buying a few issues of Nakedfella and something called Killeroo (which had pretty art but not much else, so i should have bought some western called 'Eldritch' instead), it also came to my attention that a blind monkey could get comics present upon the Australia Comics shelf. This was probably because it doubled as "local artists", but in any event I have decided that my abilities are greater than that of a blind monkey, and decided to use the extent of my comicular powers to try and make something that actually looks nice, and will get racked as a stand-alone that sells ten copies in a year and then decomposes of sorrow.

I have three months off, so I'm going to make it worth it. Needless to say, the comic will also be comparable in sanity and coherence to a hat full of miliners.
Tom Meade, 7:08 pm


I like mid-century jazz and swing too.

Ms. Lotti's torch-song is genius.
Blogger JP, at 27 October, 2005 23:03  
good luck with tht!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 28 October, 2005 03:58  
Hey, even I like mid-century jazz and swing...and a whole lot more than JP! :D

Some of those panels were outrageously good. My favourite being the coming to age of Agent Thylacine.
Blogger Jugular Bean, at 28 October, 2005 14:03  
Damn! That should be 'coming of age'
Blogger Jugular Bean, at 28 October, 2005 15:03  

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